Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some old notes I decided to Post.

This blog will just be some things I've jotted down wilst half asleep for the past couple years, and will most-likely be heavilly revised and modified, though I'll do my best to fix'm up as I reiterate them to you now.

In self-improvement, introspection only goes so far.

All good leads to real love.

I think maxims, psalms, and other such sayings are attempts to capture the thoughts and ideas hard to incorperate into modern society, and thus, bring them closer to being 'normal' and commonly accepted. We need things of this nature, for when you have no concurrent examples to base processes of consideration, ethics, and new ideas off of, most of the possibilities that come from these are lost. Sometimes this happens even when we have a knowledge of such conceptions in our minds, for because people are not used to them, expression is often all but impossible.

Man needs stimulus to awaken buried thoughts and previous experiences, in order to give them substance.

Eyes seem to reflect ones mind, and how ones mind effects their soul; this is why they are called beautifull.

The soul is something that does not change. It is not finite, and therefore is eternal; constant. What does change, is your mind and bodys allegiance to it, and interactions with it. Through this, more or less, the 'health' of the soul can be defined. I call this 'health' ones 'essence of being; what everyone else seems to call a heart. I differentiate the heart from being anything to do with emotions, such as 'she is cold-hearted' or valentines day gifts, under many circumstances because the heart is an organ.

Sometimes you pass by a chance that is more right, and not less wrong. In addition, you are normally alltogether unaware when these occurences happen.

There will be instances where something will seem beautifull, and be beautifull, and you will be aware of this, but won't be able to appreciate it (even in your own opinion). This is due to circumstances. Contrariwise it is possibly to see something hideousely ugly, and it will arise in a person a feeling of inspiration.

Crying is caused by emotion; our essence of being, more or less the soul, is hurt. It is a release that is ment to work at keeping us in good order, similer to the way sleep cures fatigue and mends distortions in our perceptions and understandings of reality.

A true man has seen all possibilities available and chooses the one benificial to every entity present, even if it is harmfull to himself. Thus far, only Jesus has attained this.

If someone is a hypocrite, it is, at the least, a healthy step up from someone who commits a wrongdoing and supports it publicly. I say this, for the hypocrites shallow admonishions, as the least, are in support of the greater good of society.

Man is the only entity that can do good, as well as evil. God can only do good, and the devil cannot associate with God, so he is only capable of evil (it is likewise for all other spiritual beings; they are either good, or evil). animals live on instincts, and organic impulses. We, Mankind, have the most full form of free will ever devised. In this, I think, we are possibly the most blessed, and the most cursed.

Defensiveness shows guilt, or pride, inately. Through experience, people seem to like niether of these traits. Perhaps this is part of why accusations without proof can still cast doubts into the hearts of all involved.

Everything is in the eye of the beholder. Contrariwise, everything is also in the palm of God.

Skepticism promotes learning more then anything else. Ignorance damages such growth in equal measure.

Some of the best people even break Gods most prominent law 'Love thy nieghbor as you love thyself'. In this apperent age of self-loathing, this might be a good thing.

I mark insanity as the mindset direcly opposed to Gods teachings. Adversely, those who oppose Gods teaching may mark me as insane for doing so.

Lack of foreknowledge is not a crime, but to lie, pleading such a thing as your reasoning, increases the severity of the wrong-doing expodentially.

Which is it that matters most? What is implied, what is ment, or what the words are taken to mean ?

Old wounds do not close when you pick at them; a scar is preferable to bleeding.

Who can see, when they shut thier eyes?

Biology says that all have a niche. Man has the privalige of generally deciding his own. This is unlike animals, such as the ox that can walk and begins fullfilling its innate purpose directly after birth. Likewise, we have the misgotten privile of the ability to discern right from wrong, and acting upon thus at will. We can be the epitome of understanding; if only we listen. Comprehension comes as surely as 'death and taxes'.

Insult what you do not understand, and you have insulted one of the meanings in life.

Yin and Yang end after death, for that is when God uses whit-out or a sharpie.

A wise man knows all bounds: that is why he is wise. A man with conviction tries to work past these: that is why he is spirited.

To reap what you sow can be ironic, and confusing, for you do not know if you've planted the right seeds untill they've grown.

Profit is the art of the buisnessman. Schepticism is the art of the scholar.

Violence is no worse then words from forked tongues. It is actually conciderably less harmfull, at times.

Learn to precieve lies, then you will find the truth.

People must realize that the small-scale differs from the large-scale only in appearence.

Well, that is all I have in this particular note-book, so I shall end this illiteration of previous thoughts here. Once again, I'd like to that anyone who read this (or even a part of it) for your time and concideration. Please comment your own opinions and interjections. =)

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